Diagnosis and something that sounds a bit fishy.
I took the ADOS today. I'm now autistic rather than "Asperger's." I don't feel fundamentally changed.
I'm being told that it's best I start the Regional Center application process tomorrow.
The fishy-sounding thing is this: I'm being told that I need a guardian appointed through the Regional Center in order for anyone to get Power of Attorney if I'm unconscious and unable to make medical decisions for myself. I questioned whether this was really necessary, as non-disabled people are able to sign forms to grant others Power of Attorney. Apparently I can't do this as a disabled person unless I have a guardian? That sounds really bizarre to me, and given what I know of guardianship/conservatorship, I don't want to rush into it. But I'm being told I must do it before eighteen or it will get too difficult.
Does anyone know if the statement I heard on that topic is accurate?
I'm being told that it's best I start the Regional Center application process tomorrow.
The fishy-sounding thing is this: I'm being told that I need a guardian appointed through the Regional Center in order for anyone to get Power of Attorney if I'm unconscious and unable to make medical decisions for myself. I questioned whether this was really necessary, as non-disabled people are able to sign forms to grant others Power of Attorney. Apparently I can't do this as a disabled person unless I have a guardian? That sounds really bizarre to me, and given what I know of guardianship/conservatorship, I don't want to rush into it. But I'm being told I must do it before eighteen or it will get too difficult.
Does anyone know if the statement I heard on that topic is accurate?
I'd be very, very careful about signing anything remotely like that.
By elmindreda, At 7:13 PM
You do not need a guardian.
You can get the forms, go to a notary, and do it yourself as soon as you turn 18. Here is one place that has the forms:
They have different forms for different states (IIRC you're American?).
The Regional Center does not need you to have a guardian to accept those forms. You do not need to go through the Regional Center to get those forms. And they are setting you up for something terrible, possibly on purpose.
By ballastexistenz, At 4:29 PM
Oh, and it's more than a little fishy: They are lying to you. They want you to get a guardian. Probably for reasons you will not like that could trap you for the rest of your life.
(I had a psychologist tell me when I was 19 that I was not really an adult and that he had full say over all my decisionmaking because I was in the psych system. He was lying too but I had no way of knowing until someone told me.)
By ballastexistenz, At 4:35 PM
مؤسسة ركن سيف لخدمات تنظيف الخزانات فى حائل تقدم افضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بحائل نعم انها افضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بحائل لانها دائماً ما تعمل فى تطوير نفسها يوماً بعد يوم وهناك العديد والكثير من الخصومات التى نضعها يومياً على تنظيف وتعقيم الخزانات
By سبحان الله, At 5:06 PM
شركة فرسان المثالي هي افضل شركة تقدم كافة خدمات العزل عزل اسطح عزل فوم عزل مائي وصوتي وحراري بأخرص وأفضل الأسعار حيث نتوفر في المنطقة الشرقية في منطقة المملكة العربية السعودية عن طريق توفير أحدث العربات المجهزة على اعلى مستوى تواصل معنا الأن عبر الروابط التالية
شركة عزل خزانات بالدمام
شركة عزل اسطح بالخبر
شركة عزل اسطح بخميس
شركة عزل اسطح بابها
شركة عزل اسطح بالجبيل
شركة عزل اسطح بالقطيف
شركة عزل اسطح بالاحساء
شركة عزل اسطح بالقصيم
شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالدمام
شركة تنظيف مكيفات بالاحساء
By رضا للتسويق الإلكتروني 01220689236, At 4:57 PM
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